Thursday, November 18, 2010

How To Select The Right Kind Of Toy

Selecting the right kind of toys for children can really be a hectic job for parents. Toy selection should be done very carefully as some toys can be harmful for your little one. Despite of having so many toys, children still want more.

Today, toys are not like how they would be before. The traditional doll and metal or wooden car has become very old. Toys today are used for a short period of time, and disposed off, so that new and better ones can replace them. Toys have the mass marketing three year cycle. Where a lot of publicity and promotion is done in the first year, lesser in the second and almost nil in the third year.

Toy packing generally states the age group that the toy is meant for. This helps the child to developed accordingly. If a ten year old is given a toy suited for three year olds, he wouldn't even be interested in playing with it. Similarly if a three year old is given the toy of a ten year old to play with, he wouldn't know what to do with it. Therefore toys should be selected according to the age of the child.

Safety should be of the biggest concerns of parents while buying a toy. Even though you really like the toy for your child, you should know if your child is ready for it or not. It is always better to wait then to rush up with things while buying a toy. An older child's toys should not be bought for a younger one. These may have small parts with choking hazards.

Finally what matters the most is if the child plays with the toy or not. If the child, has different ways of playing with the toy, and plays with it very often, it can be considered as good toy selection.

Things to remember while buying a toy
• The toy should be of a non violent nature, there should be no weapons, or signs of violence.
• The toy should appeal to the children, the color, size, shape, etc.
• It should have an indoor as well as an outdoor use and should not spoil easily due to outside conditions.
• It should be safe to the target age group., choke free, no sharp edges etc.
• The toy should be multipurpose for the child, in a way that he can play with the toy in many ways.
• It should not be complex and cause stress on the child. It should instead promote mental or physical development.

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